Actual Projects

For Children with Developmental Disorders

Support programme for children with mental and physical disabilities resulting from congenital diseases or acquired injuries.

Charity program Green Lamp

Every Tuesday, we present a special person who needs our help a lot. We address these stories to those who are ready to share and support with their donation.

For children with movement disorders

BeOpen has launched a new charity program “For Children with Movement Disorders”. Its aim is to help children who have serious illnesses.

A Friend for a Special Child

In addition to the dolphin therapy there are more and more cases when canistherapy comes to aid, where a specially selected and trained dog performs the duties of a therapist.

Special Dreams for Special Children

Children affected by a serious illness have very different dreams. It’s painful, but their parents are unable to fulfil them. We can give these children wings!

Figure skating for children with disabilities

Ice skating for children with special needs is not just sports, it is also a therapy, treatment, and a possibility to get rid of fear.

Life button

“Life button” is a way to help seniors with low income or lonely people with reduced mobility in emergency situations

For Oncology Patients

Support program for oncology patients to cover necessary medical expenses and medication purchases.

Children with movement disorders

We help them grow and walk

For these special children, running barefoot through dandelion meadows, together with their age-mates, can only happen in their dreams. Day after day, they move around in a wheelchair and fight for every step of the way, with the support of their parents. We can help make these steps  more confident and stable.

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October 18, 2021

Special Figure Skaters Win Medals in Finland

Children become more confident, their coordination improves and their musculoskeletal system strengthens.

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August 30, 2021

Summer camp as a window to another world

For special kids, this camp is like a window to another world.

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August 25, 2021

Support for a wheelchair tennis masterclass

Support for a wheelchair tennis masterclass

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March 15, 2021

Fruit donations every month

Thanks to our friends and all hard-working team members!

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