Donate to charity projects

Thanks to our donors’ trust and support, together we have accomplished many good things. And we are delighted to tell about them here. But there are even more dreams, beautiful ideas, and calls for help.

BeOpen charity foundation is open to cooperation and warmly welcomes new members; we are grateful to everyone who supports our projects with their donations and is ready to join us in doing good. 

Support programme for children with mental and physical disabilities resulting from congenital diseases or acquired injuries.

For Children with Developmental Disorders

Support programme for children with mental and physical disabilities resulting from congenital diseases or acquired injuries.

Every Tuesday, we present a special person who needs our help a lot. We address these stories to those who are ready to share and support with their donation.

Charity program Green Lamp

Every Tuesday, we present a special person who needs our help a lot. We address these stories to those who are ready to share and support with their donation.

BeOpen  launched a new charity program “For Children with Mobility Impairments”. Its aim is to help children who have serious illnesses to grow and walk.

For children with Mobility Impairments

BeOpen has launched a new charity program “For Children with Mobility Impairments”. Its aim is to help children who have serious illnesses.

In addition to the dolphin therapy there are cases when canistherapy comes to aid, where a selected and trained dog performs the duties of a therapist.

A Friend for a Special Child

In addition to the dolphin therapy there are more and more cases when canistherapy comes to aid, where a specially selected and trained dog performs the duties of a therapist.

Children affected by a serious illness have very different dreams. It’s painful, but their parents are unable to fulfil them. We can give these children wings!

Special Dreams for Special Children

Children affected by a serious illness have very different dreams. It’s painful, but their parents are unable to fulfil them. We can give these children wings!

Ice skating for children with special needs is not just sports, it is also a therapy, treatment, and a possibility to get rid of fear.

Figure skating for children with disabilities

Ice skating for children with special needs is not just sports, it is also a therapy, treatment, and a possibility to get rid of fear.

“Life button” is a way to help seniors with low income or lonely people with reduced mobility in emergency situations.

Life button

“Life button” is a way to help seniors with low income or lonely people with reduced mobility in emergency situations

Support program for oncology patients to cover necessary medical expenses and medication purchases.

For Oncology Patients

Support program for oncology patients to cover necessary medical expenses and medication purchases.

The beginning of summer was particularly happy for four participants of our “Let’s help to fulfil dreams of special children” programme.

Helping to fulfil dreams of special children

The beginning of summer was particularly happy for four participants of our “Let’s help to fulfil dreams of special children” programme.

 “The Inconvenient Children” is a socially responsible project, during which Arita Strode-Kļaviņa took pictures of 15 families of children with special needs.

The Inconvenient Children

“The Inconvenient Children” is a socially responsible project, during which Arita Strode-Kļaviņa took pictures of 15 families of children with special needs.

During three months radio Baltkom broadcasted the show “Zaļā lampa” — a charity program about those, who need help, for those, who are willing give a hand.

Achievements of the charity program “Zaļā lampa” in 2018

During three months radio Baltkom broadcasted the show “Zaļā lampa” — a charity program about those, who need help, for those, who are willing give a hand.

The international sports camp in Riga gathered more than 100 children from all over Latvia, including children from orphanages and children with special needs.

Ball of friendship for 100 kids

During the school holidays, the international sports camp in Riga gathered more than 100 children from all over Latvia, including children from orphanages and children with special needs.